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Inmigration in Germany

Hi John,


In one of your last e-mails you told me that you were doing this film project about immigrants in different countries and I actually just read an article about a film concerning the topic so I’d like to give you some information on our situation in Germany.

In Germany, immigrants who want to live here permanently might have to attend so called language courses in which they are taught the German language and its multiple characteristics (which are multiple as you know). The curriculum is based on the every-day life and tries to give the immigrants an insight on what to say within the family, while shopping and most importantly in state institutions and the job. This makes the course educational as well, introducing people from different proveniences and convictions to the core values of our society. In order to facilitate the identification of the attendees with the German cultures, they get to learn basics of our history and politics, like e.g. the reunification, the function of our democratic system and the duties and rights of a citizen. Due to the fact that Germany is a country which attracts number of immigrants, the attendees are really multicultural, usually adults from around the world, for example from Bangladesh, Bulgaria or from Brasilia. Apparently, the course is not a free time activity, and the people who make it through the humungous curriculum get rewarded with work permits, the benefits of the social welfare state or residence permits. These courses have vital significance for the immigrants and have proven effective in the past. What have you already found about the immigrants in other countries? Really looking forward to see the final result of the film project.





P.S.: Whenever you have a spare week or so, come by and visit me. We had such a blast last time.

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